Las Vegas Pool Installation Uncovers 14,000-Year-Old Ice Age Discovery.

A Las Vegas couple says their ongoing pool construction hit a little bit of a snag after workers unearthed a set of bones which turn out to be rare find believed to be up to 14,000 years old and date back to Earth’s most recent ice age.


LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — A Las Vegas couple says their ongoing pool construction hit a little bit of a snag after workers unearthed a set of bones which turned out to be a rare find.

The bones are believed to be up to 14,000 years old and date back to Earth’s most recent ice age.

Bones found in Vegas yard date back to Earth's last ice age

Matt Perkins and his husband recently moved from Washington state to a newly built home near Buffalo and Grand Teton drives.

They were looking forward to their new six-foot-deep pool until Las Vegas police showed up at their home on Monday.

Ice age-era bones found in Las Vegas backyard

“Monday morning we woke up [and] the pool guy said he was going to come to check out the pool,” explained Perkins. “We assume that was normal, we wake up he’s out front with the police.”

Police and crime scene investigators determined the bones did not belong to a human and the remains were not of any law enforcement concern.

Bones found in Vegas yard date back to Earth's last ice age

“We had joked on Friday that while they started digging, ‘Oh great maybe they will find a dinosaur for us and it will pay for our pool,” quipped Perkins.

“Obviously, when they told us they found some fossils, that was more of a shock to us than we were expecting,” added Perkins.

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