The Pentagon investigation in Washington, DC (USA) exposed allegations of a UFO cover-up

Pentagon headquarters in Washington, DC (USA). Photo: AFP/TTXVN

On March 8, the Pentagon announced the results of an investigation conducted by the Irregularities Resolution Office (AARO). This is a government office established in 2022 to detect and, when necessary, mitigate threats including anomalous, unidentified space objects, air, underwater and trans-environmental objects.

Pentagon’s UFO investigation finds no evidence of alien activity

“A consistent theme in popular culture concerns the particularly persistent story that the US government has recovered a number of spacecraft and extraterrestrial remains, and that they operates one or more programs to recover alien technology while keeping Congress and the American people in the dark since the 1940s. Popularity of television shows, books, movies, and massive internet content along with social networks… most likely influenced public communication on this topic and caused a segment of the population to believe in it.”

Vì sao quân đội Mỹ nắm bằng chứng UFO nhưng không công bố?

The Pentagon report emphasized that AARO investigators were granted full access to all sensitive US government programs, having reviewed all official government investigative efforts since 1945. AARO investigators also studied both classified and unclassified archives, conducted approximately 30 interviews, and collaborated with the intelligence community as well as Department of Defense officials responsible for overseeing the program special access.

NASA Pol-polan Cari UFO

According to AARO, no US government investigation, academic research or review board has officially confirmed sightings of UAP (unexplained anomalous phenomena) representing extraterrestrial technology.

Son dakika... - Uzman isim UFO'larla ilgili gerçekleri tek tek açıkladı:  Cinsel organları belli olmuyor - Dünyadan Haberler

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