Ancient Anunnaki Marvels: Nibiru – The Celestial Vessel Transporting Astronauts Across the Galaxy.

Enormous UFO Resembling ‘Ezekiel’s Wheel’ Spotted in Our Solar System by STEREO A Camera on February 29, 2020.

Multiple UFO Researchers Allege Sighting a Large UFO Navigating Our Solar System, Based on Images Transmitted by NASA’s SOHO Probe. Experts Highlight the Presence of the Alleged Alien Craft in Close Proximity to Earth.

Planet Snakedos serves as a platform for reporting the latest UFO sightings, uncovering space cover-ups, and detailing the peculiar activities occurring both inside and outside our planet.

The concept of ancient astronauts, or ancient aliens, revolves around the idea of intelligent extraterrestrial beings… Sitchin argued that the Anunnaki played an active role in human affairs until their culture declined… In the Pacific, there were cultures that believed various Western ships and their cargo were sent by the gods, fulfilling prophecies about their return.

The Anunnaki, an ancient Sumerian term, refers to beings who descended to Earth and engaged in procreation (BARA) with Homo sapiens. Anunnaki translates to ‘those whom Anu sent from heaven to earth.’

They were alternatively known as NEPHILIM, signifying ‘To fall down to Earth, to land,’ and in the Bible, as ELOHEEM, meaning ‘These Beings.’

In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic), they are referred to as Jabaariyn, denoting ‘the mighty ones.’ In Aramaic (Hebrew), they are known as Gibborim, translating to ‘The Mighty or Majestic ones.’

Additionally, they are called NETERU, an Egyptian term synonymous with Anunnaki.

They constitute an elite race originating from the 8th planet RIZQ in the 19th Galaxy ILLYUWN.

Their intergalactic travels are facilitated by a planet ship known as Nibiru: The Mother Ship. Initially, Nibiru followed a 25,920-year orbit called AAMS, representing the distance between RIZQ and Earth. However, following the Anunnaki’s relocation to ORION, their journey to Earth now takes 3,600 years, and this altered orbit is referred to as a SHAR.

Meanwhile, the remaining 300, known as the IGIGI, remained within and operated the spacecraft MURDOQ, also referred to as Nibiru or MERKABAH. The Anunnaki served as intermediaries between Earth and Nibiru, maintaining an orbit around Earth. Their primary task involved delivering processed gold to the spaceships stationed on the dark side of Sheshqi (the moon) and Lahmu (Mars).

In this orbital vicinity, they constructed and loaded cylinder-shaped crafts, each measuring 30 miles in length, to transport gold and other resources back to their home planet, RIZQ.

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